Cover Letters, Internships and a Crisis

You know what I hate the most? Cover letters.  This might be because I suck at writing them and find them pointless or because I’m not the type of person who likes to talk about my strengths and how wonderful I am, tooting my own horn is just not my thing.  However this week has been filled with me having to write not only a cover letter but also a resume, because it is the time of year when all college students are looking and applying for internships, and one of those college students looking for an internship is me.

I’m sure this is the point where you are wondering why I am looking for an internship or rather why am I still in college.  Well for those who are curious here is your answer: I spent five years in New York City.  I went to a dramatic conservatory for acting and tried my hand at that.  I had two internships while in school there and got a ton of experience.  But in 2010 I decided to move back home and go back to school to get my degree in Film and Media and work more on the production side of things.  And this is why I am almost 25 and still in college and looking for an internship.

An internship for those of you that don’t know is an unpaid job position for college students where they can get experience in the field of work they want to go into after school. In other words they are glorified coffee pourers.

However to have people take you serious after school you need experience and to get experience while in college is to have an internship, hence why people apply for them and are willing to work for free.


Now, I am just as good as any other student applying for an internship, maybe even better and because I am older I want the internship more.  My GPA is high, I have had past internships (even if they were five years ago) and I work a full-time job while going to school.  However I am worried that this will not be good enough, because of my age I’m scared that they will look over me.

I mean what other 25 year old is applying for an unpaid internship?  Most of the people I went to high school with or who are my age are out of school working in their first job or are in Grad-School, Med-School or Law-School.  My point is, I’m old when it comes to interns.  I’m not saying that I’m supper old or anything, I mean 25 is not that bad, and in the internship world I’m scared that it is.  And this is where my crisis came from this week.

So as I write my cover letter and apply for these internships, I try to keep in mind that I am not that old and that I am just as good as the 20 year old that will be sitting next to me waiting to go in for their interview before me.


And that is my quarter-life rant of the day.



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Quarter-Life Cooking!

Once again it has been awhile but I am back and ready to mark one thing off of my list.

Thanks to my new love Pinterest I found a recipe for White Chicken Enchiladas.

Before going in the oven.


Here is the recipe if anyone wants to try them! (It’s from the blog Joyful Momma’s Kitchen)

Chicken enchiladas with green chili sour cream sauce

10 soft taco shells

2 cups cooked, shredded chicken

2 cups shredded Monterey Jack cheese

3 Tbsp. butter

3 Tbsp. flour

2 cups chicken broth

1 cup sour cream

1 (4 oz) can diced green chillies

1.  Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Grease a 9×13 pan

2. Mix chicken and 1 cup cheese.  Roll up in tortillas and place in pan.

3. In a saucepan, melt butter, stir in flour and cook 1 minute.  Add broth and whisk until smooth.  Heat over medium heat until thick and bubbly.

4. Stir in sour cream and chilies.  Do not bring to boil; you don’t want curdled sour cream.

5. Pour over enchiladas and top with remaining cheese.

6. Bake 22 min and then under high broil for 3 min to brown the cheese.


Fresh out of the oven!


I am still working on other parts of the list, I have still not found an “adult” wine I like and I still have not baked and eaten a whole cake yet, but I’m working on it!

Easy to make and so yummy!

Well I hope you enjoy the recipe and let me know if you try it!

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63 Days And Counting

In 63 days I will be turning 25. That means that I only have 3 more months of being 24 and I feel like I have so much to accomplish in those 3 months to make up for the past 9 months that I have done nothing in. Therefore I have made a list of a few things I would like to do before turning the big 25.

They are:

1. Find out what kind of “adult” wine I actually like. (my sweet red is just not “adult” enough)

2. Accept the way I look.

3. Get blackout drunk one last time.

4. Learn to cook 2 new dishes.

5. Improve and strengthen important relationships.

6. Not get pregnant.

7. Bake a cake and then eat the whole cake.

8. Make a snow angel.

9. Make my zombie apocalypse survival plan.

10. Blog more.

I think that will do for now. I hope to blog about any that I do that I feel are blog worthy (already working on #10).

Please feel free to suggest any thing to add to my list or help me start building my list of things to do once I turn 25!


Filed under It's a Crisis, It's a List, It's about life, It's about Quarter-Life, It's Random

I’m Back!

Well, hello there blog!

As you can see I have been gone for some time now and I would like you and all who read this blog to know that I have not forgotten you and that I am back.  Why such the long absence? Well, it’s a mix of finals, the Holidays and a much needed break from technology.  But I can let you know that I am back and ready to keep you up today on my quarter-life and try to help you all that might be going through the same thing.

As you all know it is now 2012 and a big year for me.  Why you ask?  In 66 days I will be 25. Yes, this is the year I turn 25.  I will officially be in my quarter-life.  And all though I’m not turning 16, 18 or 21, I still feel like this is going to be a big birthday.  I mean come on, I can now rent a car and my insurance goes down, I call both of those things a big win.

So, once again I’m sorry for being gone for so long and I can’t wait to fill you all in on my quarter-life crisis!


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My Quarter-Life Crash

You know when it seems like nothing can go right?  Well, that is happening to me right now.   About a week ago I got my car back after not having it for 2 weeks due to transmission problems and whatnot, well I get it back for a week and it’s driving amazingly, almost like a new car, but all that changed yesterday.  I got into an accident, I didn’t total my car, just did quit a number to the front bumper.  Now, I know that I am the one at fault because the law says that the other guy had the right of way, however it also had a lot to do with objects blocking my point of view and the other guy speeding and coming out of no where, but I won’t get into all of that since I have told the story to countless people and I’m tired of telling it.

The thing that really bugged me though was how the man was treating me.  He was older and kept telling me how much it was my fault and that I needed to drive safer, I told him I understood but that he was speeding and that I had many things blocking my view.  I mean the guy hit me so hard my car spun a little, he knocked my glasses off my face, I’m surprised the airbag didn’t go off (and so was the cop). He kept ignoring my apology and just kept talking down to me like a little kid, he was acting like since I was a woman and in my early 20’s that was why I got into the accident.  I kept telling him I had never been in an accident with another car and that I have never even had a speeding ticket, I’m one of the safest drivers on the road, his response was always, “you’re just lucky I didn’t drive off, I could of just hit you a run. Just remember I didn’t drive off”.  Kind of sketch. And I mean just looking at the 2 cars prior to the accident you could tell I was the better driver, he had a beat up back end that was from another accident.  Any way, I was the only one to call the cops (10 times), he never once called them and never even offered up his insurance, he was acting like I was the one who had to take care of everything.  I might have been the younger one but I was the only one trying to act like an adult in the situation.  Just because I am in my 20’s and a woman doesn’t mean I’m a bad driver, so please stop acting like I am.

Anyway I should find more out about my car tomorrow and talk more to the insurance company.  They say it’ll take 2-4 weeks to get my car back but luckily I have car rental in my insurance policy to help me out until then.

And that is my quarter-life rant of the day.


My pretty little car.


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What Is A Quarter-Life Crisis?

Aw, the quarter-life crisis, some people believe in it, others think it’s a lame excuse for people in their 20’s to be free sprits and not do anything.  So the question is, does the quarter-life crisis exist?  I am here to tell you that the quarter-life crisis is in fact a real thing, at least I believe so, because I feel like in a way I am going through mine now.

The next question is, what is the quarter-life crisis?  Well my good friend Wikipedia says that, “people experiencing a quarter life crisis often feel “lost, scared, lonely or confused” about what steps to take in order to transition properly into adulthood”.   This sounds crazy, I know, but when you think about it, once you leave college and start living on your own, life can be pretty crazy.  Yes, you go to college and learn how do skills that will fit whatever profession you pick, but there are no classes on how to survive once outside of college.

I mean think about, between the ages of birth to 18, you are raised and taken care of by your parents, guardians or whomever; you are in a bubble of some sorts.  Then after those 18 years you go to college, and there you are in another bubble for 4 more years, you just go from one safe bubble to another bubble.  Now at the age of 22 you are being sent out into the world, the safe bubble you have had for 22 years of your life is being popped.  There are some who find a new bubble right away, they find a job, they get married, they go to grad school, but then there are those who don’t know what to do or what the next step is, they don’t find a new bubble right away, and those are the ones in a quarter-life crisis.

You don’t have to believe in the quarter-life crisis, for all I know this feeling that I’m having is just me being crazy and a sign I should get on some meds or see a good therapist.  But if you do believe in it and even think your going through it, know that you’re not alone and that one day you’ll find your new bubble.

I leave you with this:


Filed under It's a Crisis, It's about life, It's about Quarter-Life, It's Random

Quarter-Life Thankfulness

Being that today is Thanksgiving I thought I would make a quick list of why I am thankful that I am in my 20’s.  I know this goes against everything I wrote about in my earlier blog 10 Reasons it Suck’s To Be In Your 20’s, but it’s Thanksgiving and I don’t care what you say, so here we go:

1 ) I’m thankful that my boobs don’t sag yet.  Enough said.

2 ) I’m thankful that I’m still young enough that people don’t feel sorry for me when they find out I’m not married or that I don’t have children.

3 ) I’m thankful for Google and their fun turkey on their homepage.

4 ) I’m thankful that I only have a few grey hairs.

5 ) I’m thankful that I grew up with T.V. shows like Doug, Salute Your Shorts and All That.

6 ) I’m thankful that I can still ask my parents for money and only be judged a little.

7 ) I’m thankful that I still get carded when buying beer.

8 ) I’m thankful that McDonald’s has no age limit when buying a happy meal.

9 ) I’m thankful to have a wonderful boyfriend who helps me through my quarter life crisis.

And lastly…

10 ) I’m thankful to have all of you who read my blog.

Well there you have it, what I am thankful for in my 24th year of life.

Happy Thanksgiving! 


Filed under It's a List, It's about life, It's about the Holidays, It's Random

My Twilight Rant

I have always been a big believer of the camaraderie that comes along with midnight releases for movies, books, and movies made from a book.  I mean this was me at the last Harry Potter movie release…


As you see, I love midnight releases.  However I feel like there is one that has taken it a little too far, the Twilight movies.  Now, I will confess that I have read all the Twilight books and have been to the past 3 midnight movie releases.  However I have grown out of it and never once have I dressed up for a Twilight movie release, nor have a screamed when the movie started.  As I said before I love the camaraderie of midnight releases.

This brings me to my point….

The new Twilight movie comes out at midnight tonight and I’m sure there are lines forming at every theatre right now with crazy fans dying to see that weird vampire sparkle or the wolf boys abs.  I’m sure you’re wondering why after everything I said before I am not there with them.  Well here’s why:  I have realized that those ‘twihards’ that are over the age of 19 are giving the rest of us 20-somethings a bad name and I refuse to be a part of that.   I mean if you’re 26 and screaming when that Jacob kid takes off his shirt, then that is just weird and makes the rest of us look equally as crazy.  I mean the kid is like 18 or something, you could have been his baby-sitter.

Another thing that bugs me about these over 19 ‘twihards’ is the tattoos. I understand loving a book/movie series, I love the Harry Potter books/movies as we can see from the embarrassing picture above, however that doesn’t mean that I’m going to get a tramp stamp of a broomstick and wand on my lower back that I’ll have to live with the rest of my life. I mean tell me in 10 years they won’t regret these:


Yeah, that’s what I thought. Try explaining those to your grandkids.

And I’m all for team spirit but those Team Edward and Team Jacob shirts drive me crazy! They are fine to wear to the midnight releases, some might even call them cute, but when they become a staple of your everyday wardrobe, then you have a problem.  And if you are going to get a Team sparkly vampire, wolf boy or whoever shirt, please get one that fits, no one wants to see your muffin hanging out, remember you are 23, not 16.

I’m not saying it is wrong too like these books or movies, all I’m saying is when you turn into a little 14 year old screaming for the movies it gets a little annoying and no one thinks you are an grown 20 something, they think you’re crazy.  Because no one looks at this and thinks, ‘wow, those are some outstanding women’:


And there you have it, my quarter-life rant of the day.



Filed under It's a Crisis, It's a rant, It's about life, It's Random

Galaxies Have Crisis Too!

So I found this on Yahoo News today and thought I would share it with all of you out there who are going through a quarter-life crisis:

Why the Milky Way May Be Facing a Midlife


By Nola Taylor Redd, Contributor | – Tue, Nov 15, 2011

Our Milky Way galaxy and its neighbor, the Andromeda galaxy, seem to be going through a midlife crisis.

New research reveals that both galaxies are in the middle of transitioning from young, star-forming regions into older, stagnant ones, a transition that is revealed by the galaxies’ color. Generally, such a change comes after 

two galaxies collide, astronomers said, but this pair seems to be making the shift on its own.

In galaxies, star formation rates and color are closely related. But, analyses of the shade of the Milky Way are surprisingly rare.

A team of Australian astronomers, led by Simon Mutch, of theSwinburne University of Technology in Melbourne, sought to determine the color the Milky Way a

nd the nearby spiral Andromeda galaxy. [Stunning Photos of Galaxy Collisions]

Too young to feel this old

Instead of the young, active signs they expected, the astronomers determined that both galaxies are not the typical blue or red color, but instead, fall in an in-betwe

en state of green.

Scientists have long regarded the Milky Way as a “typical” spiral galaxy, but in regards to color, the galaxy doesn’t quite follow the standard model.

“Green galaxies are commonly thought to represent galaxies which are undergoing the transition from being young, dynamic, energetic, star-forming blue galaxies to being old, lethargic red galaxies,”Mutch told in an email interview.

“In terms of a human being, this transitional phase could be thought of being akin to a midlife crisis.”

Astronomers can’t figure out the color of th

e Milky Way easily by examining it from the inside, because the position of the sun within the galaxy makes it a challenge.

“Determining the state of our own galaxy, while we’re stuck inside it, is very difficult to do,” Mutch said. “The phrase ‘hard to see the forest for the trees’ rings true here. When we look at the galaxy, much of it is obscured from our view by intervening gas and dust.”

Viewing the Milky Way from the outside

To peek inside, Mutch and his team studied the mass of stars, the rate of star formation and the brightness and color of the stars within the two galaxies. These measurements provide a snapshot of the galactic pair.

The astronomers then modeled how galaxies grow, selecting an evolutionary track that fulfilled several of the properties of the Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies today.

Now, instead of looking at the galaxy from the inside, the team was able to get a glimpse from the outside instead, which gave them a clear view of the color.

Star formation dominates in blue galaxies, where the glow of young stars gives a galaxy its shine. As the stars die, they explode in supernova blasts th

at distribute gas throughout the galaxy, which is then recycled into newborn stars.

But galaxies aren’t sitting quietly; they are constantly moving in the expanding universe. When galaxies collide, gas flows into the black hole at the newly merged center.

The resulting active galactic nucleus, or AGN, is among the brightest radio signals in the universe, and can be seen across great distances. Because it consumes the gas that baby stars need, the AGN slows star formation, and the galaxy loses its blue hue and gradually shifts to red, the astronomers said.

What caused the midlife crisis?

But the Milky Way and the Andromeda ga

laxy are shifting from blue to red without a collision, which was a surprising discovery, the researchers explained.

Since they are already slowing down, when they crash into each other in the future, the collision most likely won’t generate a new powerhouse.

“Our finding that both the Milky Way and Andromeda are green suggests that there will be little cold gas left in both these galaxies when they merge sometime in the next 5 billion years or so,” Mutch said. “They will likely be unable to produce an AGN.”

So, why is the Milky Way running out of dust? Mutch isn’t sure.

Sometimes black holes will inject large amounts of energy into the surrounding region, Mutch explained. This keeps new gas from being accreted.

“However, we know from observations that the central black hole of our galaxy is not particularly active,” Mutch said.

The new color “provides us with an interesting open question as to what exactly is causing the Milky Way and Andromeda to be running out of fuel for producing new stars.”

Details of the study were published in the July edition of the Astrophysical Journal.

So I’m not a science person and you might not be either, but isn’t nice to see that something like the Milky Way is having a crisis too? Andit may not be a quarter-life crisis but it is a crisis.  So when you are feeling down and out, just remember that you are not the only one having a crisis, a galaxy like 10 million times bigger than you is having one too.

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10 Reasons It Suck’s To Be In Your 20’s

So I thought I would make a list of 10 reasons why it sucks to be in your 20’s.  Now, I’m not saying that everything about your 20’s sucks, but come on, there are somethings that really do suck about being 22, 25, 27 or whatever year you are in.  If you are somewhere between 20 and 29 years of age, there are for sure things that suck about it, don’t lie.  So here is my list of 10 reasons why it sucks to be in your 20’s:

1) Dating, if you didn’t meet that special person in high school or college, then you know what I’m talking about.

2) Snow does not mean a snow day.

3) Work, the reason you don’t get a snow day and also that thing you feel like you’re doing all the time and that is coming between you and sleep.

4)  You have to be cool. I don’t care who you are, there is this unspoken pressure that once you turn 20 you must be cool for the next 10 years. Because once you turn 30 there is no way you can be cool. I blame hipsters and the Kardashians for this.

5) Car problems.  Your cars transmission could care less about the number in your bank account, it’s going to break when it wants to, just hope you’re 30 when it does.

6) You still get acne. I thought this went away once I turned 20, I was wrong.

7) Debt, do I need to say more?

8 ) You are still treated like a child. For some reason every person older than you in your family will not see you as an adult until you are 30. Even if you are living on your own, they just won’t, deal with it.

9) You can’t drink or party like you used to.  So stop taping those 40’s to your hands and trying to be Edward 40-Hands.

and lastly,

10 ) The years go by faster, no really they do. I mean wasn’t it just January 1st? Now Christmas tress are up? What the fuck!?!

And there you have it folks.



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